Who Benefits from Islamophobia? Investigating the Profit Motive Behind Bigotry and Discrimination
This lesson gives participants an opportunity to investigate some of the individuals, organizations, and corporations that benefit from anti-Muslim hate through a role play activity.
What is Islamophobia? Interpersonal vs. Structural Discrimination
This lesson asks participants to construct a definition of Islamophobia using a variety of evidence, including poetry, media images, news clips, and research data.
Black Muslims in the United States: An Introductory Activity
This interactive lesson introduces participants to Black Muslims in U.S. history through a meet-and-greet activity.
American Hate: Lessons from Survivors
This lesson raises awareness of hate crimes and their impact through survivor testimonials included in American Hate: Survivors Speak Out, edited by Arjun Singh Sethi.
Black Athlete Protest: The Case of Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
This lesson, drawing on the story of NBA basketball player Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf who refused to stand for the U.S. national anthem in 1996, gives participants the opportunity to hear diverse Muslim perspectives within a U.S. context.
Human Rights in National Security: An Educator's Toolkit
This toolkit was created by HR Educators USA and Amnesty International with a team of educators, including Teaching for Change's Challenge Islamophobia Project director. The toolkit includes four modules which include lesson plans and resources to address key areas of post-9/11 national security policy like drone strikes, global war, indefinite detention, torture, surveillance, and discrimination, empowering learners to understand these policies through a human rights lens.
Whose Terrorism? Part II: Analyzing Stories of Individuals
This lesson gives learners an opportunity to critically analyze the word “terrorism” by sharing the real-life stories of Muslims and those targeted as Muslim post-9/11 through a role play activity.